The following are selected from the most recent publications by faculty members.
Brutt-Griffler, J., & Kim, N. (2016). Multilingualism and e-learning. In C. Haythornthwaite, R. Andrews, J. Fransman & E. Meyers (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of e-learning research (2nd ed., pp. 187-208). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Brutt-Griffler, J. (2010). Bilingualism and English language teaching. In R. Andrews (Ed.). Language, culture and literacy (pp. 228-242). Routledge.
Brutt-Griffler, J. (2008). Intellectual culture and cultural imperialism: Implications of the growing dominance of English in academia. In C. Gnutzmann (Ed.). English in academia: Catalyst or barrier? (pp. 59-72). Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
Johnstone, D. B. (2013). Higher educational autonomy and the apportionment of authority among state governments, public multi-campus systems, and member colleges and universities. In J. E. Lane & D. B. Johnstone (Eds.), Higher education systems 3.0: Harnessing systemness, delivering performance (pp. 75-99). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Johnstone, D. B. (2013). International perspectives on the rising costs of higher education. In J. Thelin (Ed.), The rising costs of higher education: A reference handbook (pp. 173-181). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Johnstone, D. B. (2013). Tuition fees, student loans, and other manifestations of cost-sharing: Variations and misconceptions. In A. Maldonado-Maldonado & R. Bassett (Eds.), The forefront of international higher education: A festschrift in honor of Philip Altbach. Dordecht, the Netherlands: Springer.
Kim, N. (2016). English language learners. In K. Lomotey (Ed.). People of color in the United States: Contemporary issues in education, work, communities, health, and immigration: Education: K-12 and higher education (Vol. 1, pp. 92-103). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
Kim, N. (2016). International/global education. In K. Lomotey (Ed.). People of color in the United States: Contemporary issues in education, work, communities, health, and immigration: Education: K-12 and higher education (Vol. 1, pp. 194-207). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.